Neon colors make up this sunrise resembling photograph. An abstract painting shines through the bottom of a glass and creates colorful reflections along the ridged sides.

Neon Sunrise

For many of you, tomorrow will bring a flurry of activity that’ll swirl you through the next month. You’ll blink and suddenly it’ll be New Year’s Eve, and maybe you’ll rush into a resolution. Your excitement to lose 2,000 pounds will burn as bright as a firework, and will probably fizzle out just as quickly.

Why am I talking about New Year’s resolutions the day before Thanksgiving? Because I don’t want you to be a statistic.

An abstract painting shines through the bottom of a glass and creates colorful reflections along the ridged sides. The resulting photograph resembles a sun with twisting rays.

Twisted Sunrise

For some strange reason we feel obligated to set unobtainable goals on the sacred first of January. It’s like there’s an invisible writer who strictly controls when one book closes and another one opens. Why not take control of your story now?

When you’re in a food coma 24 hours from now, and buzzed from a healthy mix of wine and gratefulness, you probably won’t be able to move… so what better time is there to put all that gratitude to good use and reflect on how you can make the world a better place?

An abstract painting shines through the bottom of a glass and creates colorful reflections along the ridged sides. The cool colors remind me of a winter sunrise.

Winter Sunrise

With all the bazillions of stars in the universe, I’d be willing to bet that there’s a sunrise somewhere every single second. So right now, and now, and now, it’s a new day somewhere. If the universe truly is infinite, new years might be just as plentiful!

I was always waiting for the perfect time to start painting, so I find it particularly fitting that my first palette knife painting is the source of color in these abstract sunrise photos. I found them in the bottom of a glass. Let’s toast to every sunrise!

An abstract painting shines through the bottom of a glass and creates colorful reflections along the ridged sides.

Jamaican Sunrise

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. I’ve also been waiting for the perfect time to increase my word count… did you notice? I’ve improved my editing-down skills, and I’ve got more to say!


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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