Grumpy Moon

Grumpy Moon

In my last series, my restrictions pushed my creativity further than I ever would have if I’d had a completely blank slate. In this series, though, the rules seemed to be holding me back.

Abstract photography made from literal reflections was my initial idea, but there were so many beautiful details outside of that barrier that kept calling to me.

The wine glass as a reflective surface was just not as interesting as the distorted magnifying glass I discovered it could be. After finding so much success with my cloud dish and then seeing so much inspiration all around me, I couldn’t stop there!

I expected some evolution in the beginning, but it happened so fast, and soon enough I was rewriting the rules… it’s ok, I can do that, I’m the boss.

Now I’m wondering if ‘abstract’ is a stretch for this image. It’s so obviously a moon, but I found it through a wine glass in a seahorse’s tail.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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