Close up of the last dandelion seed on the stalk.

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My quest for magic began shortly after the realization that santa, the toothfairy, and the easter bunny were frauds. I didn’t stop believing in magic, I just hadn’t found it yet.

Ghosts, fairies, witches, leprecauns, werewolves, and vampires danced in my head. I made decisions based on the shake of a magic eight-ball, the roll of the dice, and by flipping cards and consulting Quiji boards. I made wishes on stars, clocks, and candles. I blew eyelashes off of my pinky and dandelion seeds off of the stem.

Since I’ve lost Quiji board and the eight-ball I find it harder to make decisions. I still make wishes everyday, though, and I think I always will. There are no unfulfilled wishes in my life, just wishes in progress. (Click to Tweet this!)

Can you think back to your childhood and remember some fantasy you had? Any magic or beliefs you’ve since left behind? Tell me all about ’em below!

What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out! 


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