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Want this hanging on your wall? Click the photo to buy now!

I’d been dreaming of bokeh-ful photos for awhile before I finally created these past few images. What’s bokeh? It’s simply those out of focus orbs you see in the background of these past few photos. It’s the only photography jargon I will bother you with; I promise-I’m just so in love with it I had to tell you more about it!

Those dreamy spots can only come from hot spots in the background. I could have just put a pile of Christmas lights on my set, but the yellowy (and god forbid – multi-colored!) lights were not right for the mood I was going for.

Instead, I found these styrofoam balls covered in sequins. When I bounced my light off of them they became pastel colored lights that shone just perfectly. I filled a pie dish with them, and covered it in plastic wrap to hold them in place as I leaned the plate up against a black background. I used blue gels (they are see-through plastic sheets tinted blue).  over my two flashes pointed at the background to get the color right. Wa-la! Bokeh to die for.

P.S. – I also have a wide version of this photo available in my shop



What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


On the set of latest series filled with blue bokeh

On the set of latest series filled with blue bokeh

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