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Want this hanging on your wall? Click the photo to buy now!

Want this hanging on your wall? Click the photo to buy now

I was looking closely at the leaf that was supposed to be my background, when I noticed some discoloration surrounding the main veins that branched out inside it. Rivers of decay were running through the leaf, washing away the bright red to reveal a dull yellowy-brown. It was like seeing fall descend upon one leaf. What beautiful decay.

You get two photos today so I can show you the difference between a vibrant, just plucked leaf and one that is on its way to disintegrating into nothingness. Funny how death can be both beautiful and frightening in the same world, and through the same eyes.

Can you think of any beautiful decay you’ve seen in your life lately? Tell us all about it in the comments below.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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