Pink Chainlink Lace

We’ve all been there, and by there I mean right smack in front of someone who just doesn’t see you. Maybe it was a teacher you were trying to impress in grade school, a crush who sat behind you in high school algebra, or that rude co-worker who doesn’t even glance in your direction when you give them a cheery “good morning.”

We all have those moments when we feel invisible and under-appreciated sometimes. But even when someone looks right through you, you are still coloring their world. My camera isn’t focused on the pink in the foreground, I’m looking right past it to the black lace below. It’s blurry, but it’s there, and it makes the lace so much more exotic. Don’t you think?

P.S. Can you guess what that pink thing is that I’m looking through? Give me your best guess in the comments below!


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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