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My hand hovers over the blank page and my restless thumb works the pen tip in and out: click-click click-click, click-click click-click. As I stare at my latest batch of photos and wonder what to write, my eyes fix on this particular rose.

It’s pleading, drowning, and reaching for a savior. The more I look, the more the rose transforms into a figure… like a damsel in distress. Juliet? No. Rapunzel? No. Ariel?! Yes! Ariel, the red-headed mermaid, just before Ursula’s whirlpool drags her from the surface.

So am I a good witch or a bad witch? All the sparkly, shimmery magic that’s swirling around the vase glistens like Glenda from the Wizard of Oz. Of course I’m a good witch!

Then I picture the countertops that surrounded my magical set: piles of petals and bits of chopped stems were scattered across every surface. Am I a flower murderer? Was this a rose massacre? So maybe I’m a bad witch after all.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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