A Fine Flurry

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An insistent sound crept into my ears. I reached for my phone, and squinted with one eye to find the please-shut-up button. Gracie shifted, and I knew any slight movement would trigger a dash to her breakfast bowl.

As I eased my eyes open, things seemed too bright. I sat straight up and gasped – I’d slept in.

Whatever, I thought, Gracie won’t get extra snuggles, but I can still be on time. Then we stepped outside into several inches of snow.

I’d wished for snow all weekend and here it was, too late for my photo-op, and just in time for our 33-mile commute. Bitter is a euphemism for what I felt.

On the way out, I noticed a huge, gorgeously intricate snowflake and, for a second, I considered blowing off work. My responsibility is seeming more and more like my fatal flaw lately.

The car stuttered during our entire drive – the problem we just paid $3,800 to “fix.” After a minor cursing fit, I forced myself to cheer up.

That perfect snowflake drowned all other thought. All day I balanced between regret for leaving home, and hope that it’d snow again soon.

It helps to have hope.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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