Breezy Snowfall

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“Hey Number Six,” Martin, the grillman, greeted me, “what can I make for you today?”

I was a little freaked out. How did he know my lucky number?!

“Number Six?” I asked.

“Yeah, that was the number on your shirt wasn’t it?”

“Oh… yeah,” I said, but I’d only worn it once and that was weeks ago. Martin had a sharp memory, but I often wondered if it was his memory or some other sense he used to zoom in on the things that had more meaning.

Six is my lucky number, my favorite number, and the number that often drives some of my OCD behaviors, like how I set the microwave and how many minutes fast the clock in my car reads.

Up until now I could never associate the number six with anything common. That’s part of the reason I’m drawn to it; I tend to be attracted to all things that seem different.

Snowflake after snowflake came down on my glass, and they all had just one thing in common: six points or six sides, never more, never less.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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