Dreamy Downpour

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The rain is so loud it’s like the cable went out with the volume cranked to the max. Nick’s snoozing next to me; the rain is his lullaby. I sigh, wondering if he’ll be sleeping for the next six months.

Gracie is laying on my legs, whining for breakfast, and I contemplate wearing a bathing suit for our walk; I’m sure an umbrella will be about as useful as the t in tsunami.

We’re finally in the land of eternal spring, after five years of planning and saving. We’re in Guatemala, and the first downpour of the rainy season has arrived.

Suddenly an idea strikes me and I kiss Nick awake. “Hi baby,” he whispers, one eye slit open, “what’s up?”

“Let’s dance in the rain!”

“Really?” The slit eye opens a bit more and I’m waiting for him to roll it… Nick is anything but a dancer.

But this is my daydream, so he lets me drag him out of bed as Gracie zoomies around us. I fling the door open and the three of us fly outside to get soaked.

How surreal will it be when we’re actually there? I’d say about as surreal as multi-colored rain.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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