A sparkling downpour of surreal pastel rain showers down on this purple aster flower.

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Dreams are like fireworks; the light, the bang… so grand. Then, in seconds, the beauty fizzles out. Nothing but a drifting smoke cloud remains, and soon it’s only a memory.

When I finally see the firework I’m imagining, how quickly will it turn into a puff of smoke drifting into the past? How long will it take for my grand dream about life to turn into everyday monotony? Will it?

When I first dreamt of becoming a photographer, I thought that making a living with a camera was my key to happiness. By the time that dream became a reality, I already had my head in another cloud. My camera isn’t going anywhere – but I’ve become picky about what I want to point it at. So when I blast out of the product photography world as a full-time artist, and the excitement fizzles out… what else will I be chasing?

When my feet are stuck in reality’s mud I gotta keep my head in the clouds. I will dream on, even if I know the euphoria of dreams come true may be as brief as a flash of light in the night sky.

What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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