WARNING ALL MEN, this might be TMI for you #femaleproblems

Belly Full

Belly Full

My throat was swelling up, closing in, making it harder to breathe. The night before my OBGYN appointment I was frantically researching every birth control method I could find.

“There are so many choices,” one article claimed, and went on about several different methods of dosing yourself with the same hormones in “the pill” I was trying to ditch.

Don’t want hormones? No problem! Your doctor can stick a copper, t-shaped tampon up your hoo-ha and it’ll poison every sperm that swims by for the next 5 years… just give me a syringe and rat poison; I’ll save them the trouble.

No? What about these permanent, ‘non-surgical’ inserts that plug fallopian tubes with metal coils? They create scar tissue roadblocks for eggs… and other painful complications that have led to hysterectomies!

Surgery? No thanks. So I’m left with condoms and the rhythm method, both of which have laughable statistics.

The word ‘choice’ suggests some degree of control, but instead, I was spiraling out of it.

I didn’t see the pregnant belly until I was in Lightroom, and I didn’t see the whale until Nick pointed it out. Choice, I thought, and vividly relived that night.

What do you see?


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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