Art Ink Story Submission Guidelines
(The following guidelines are for submitting written works, submit art without a story here.)
- All submitted stories must relate to a piece of art in some way. No stand alone stories please.
- Please limit your stories to no more than 9300 words or about an hour of finished audio. Flash fiction is more than welcome as well.
- Attach your story and art to an email with the subject line “Art Ink Submission – [YOUR STORY TITLE]” and send to
- Make sure to include the following information in your email:
- Your name
- Story info: title, word count, genre (fiction and nonfiction are welcomed!)
- Art info: title and description (medium, physical characteristics etc.)
- Name of artist (if it’s not you) and email address
- Attached story (if text please submit only .doc or .txt files – if audio please submit only .wav or .mp3 files)
- Attached artwork (all artwork submitted must be at least 2000 pixels on the longest side, saved as a .jpg or .png, 72 ppi, and under 500 kb)
- If you’re writing about someone else’s art you must have permission to share an image of their work on the show. Please have the artist email me their file directly at Unfortunately I cannot accept stories without artwork, and I cannot publish any artwork without permission from the artist.
- Please disregard the above if the piece you’re inspired by is in the public domain =).
- Thanks for taking the time to make my life a little easier. I look forward to reading your story!