The next round of foster pets has brought me yet another mommy, but this time I have the pleasure of taking care of her kitten too! Trixie is that beautiful calico, and that cute little fluff ball is Shadow. They were both rescued from a kill shelter in NYC. I had no idea animals were being murdered so close to home; how naive am I huh?

Trixie is a very sweet, vocal, and outgoing kitty. She will snuggle up next to anyone willing to pet her. Watching her with Shadow is so relaxing. He’ll latch onto her, ravenous, and then his head bobbles start to slow until he’s face flat in mom’s fur. Moments later he’ll awaken and realize he’s hungry again. I guess warm milk can make you sleepy… it’s a vicious cycle. 😛

Both Trixie and Shadow will be up for adoption soon. In another two weeks the kitten will be weaned and mommy will go to recover until she can be spayed. Please let me know if you are interested in adopting! Even if you can’t adopt you can help by sharing this post with your friends on all  your social networks.

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