Pastel Sky

Pastel Sky

I found myself in a zombie-like state at 3am. I was determined to examine every blue and purple object that popped up in my Etsy search. Decorating our new kitchen was my obsession of the moment, and even though I was going crosseyed, I kept clicking away.

“I should be making art,” my guilty concious reminded me when I first sat down with my laptop at 7pm. This is what happens to us artists: by making art a job, we often feel guilty when we want to scratch a new creative itch.

Among the many beautiful handmade pieces I found on Etsy, I came across a little ceramic jewelry dish shaped like a cloud. It didn’t totally match all the other things I bought, but it was just too adorably dreamy to pass up.

The photo above was made by looking at my little cloud through the lens of a water-filled wine glass. If I had never taken the time to shop, I wouldn’t have been able to share this photo.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I was creating art all along.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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