

We live inside a culture that shames the copy cat creators of the world and idolizes originality, yet it also shames every woman who can’t squeeze inside the hourglass mold.

Place the camera high, lift your chin, and pop those collarbones. Make sure you only use the most culturally flattering angles; I’m just as guilty as the average chick with a selfie stick.

Now there are Snapchat filters that slim your face even more and add fake makeup! Is this a solution to hating our bodies or a band-aid for temporary body image satisfaction? I believe we are just further narrowing the already shallow definition of beauty.

Maybe one day our entire world will be run from behind a screen, and every human interaction will be digital, but until then, I wish we could keep it real. With social media we all have the opportunity to be authentic (like this lady on Instagram), yet selfie after selfie yearns to imitate the commercially accepted woman. So few women stand out.

That’s why I’m ashamed of myself and my cultural programming for recognizing the beautiful waistline in this image. That perfect hourglass I wish I had.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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