An out of focus reflection creates a bursting effect and beautiful bokeh.

Losing Focus in the Sea

“I’m bored.” It was my childhood mantra, typically reserved for weekends with my father.

Even as he watched the race cars go around and around, he could also recite a long list of recommendations for what I could do. I would pout, face smushed in my hands, elbows on the arm of his recliner, and deny every idea he had. “I’m boooooorrrrrrred,” I whined, probably more times than a Nascar race has laps.

One day he gave up on giving me ideas and he said, “well then, you must be a boring person.” In retrospect, I can say I agree.

I have to admit, some days I miss being bored… the vast emptyness of having nothing to do. Unless I live forever I’ll probably never experience it again, but at least I’m not a boring person anymore.


What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!


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