

Hey ya’ll. I just wanted to pop in to give you a bit of a belated introduction to the new series of episodes I’ve been creating.


They’re a bit different from the art inspired shows that you may have come to expect from this podcast. The original Art Ink episodes have more of a get-lost-in-a-story type of vibe while some of the newer shows encourage deep thinking, reflection, and aim to inspire you to take action creating the masterpiece that is your life (and your life’s work).


To give you a heads up about what to expect from each show, I’ve decided to give this new stream of podcast episodes its own name: Life Art.


In many ways Life Art is the lovechild of my photo blog and this podcast, as it can be deeply personal and spiritual. It’s also full of ah-ha moments and the kind of experiences that can only be described as pure magick. But although the tone of this new content may feel vastly different from the short stories previously published here, Life Art has more in common with Art Ink than you may recognize at first.


Life is, after all, an exploration.

Life is a canvas on which to create.

Life is art and living life is an art.


Every thought a brushstroke. Every step a dance.


And by sharing my personal experiences consciously (and sometimes unconsciously) creating my life, I hope that you’ll start to recognize the power, the magick, that you’ve already been wielding all along.


So from here on out you’ll see Life Art in the title of new episodes that fall under this category. They may challenge your view of the world, or they may help you to create more art, joy, and abundance in your life… maybe it’ll all make perfect sense. Like you were meant to come here and hear this message at exactly this time. That’s happened to me more times than I can count. Guess you’ll never know ‘til you take a listen, though, huh?


So just to recap, if you’re looking for entertainment stick with the original Art Ink episodes, if you’re looking for inspiration or motivation to be a more conscious creator in your life, well then you’re going to love Life Art. No matter which kind of Art Ink episode you prefer to listen to, however, you’ll still get the chance to discover new art, and new artists with your ears.


So on that note, my friends, happy listening!!!

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