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I peeked out the window and checked for the sun; this is how I get the weather report in spring and fall, and it’s often misleading.

One overcast day I bundled Gracie in her monkey sweater and found myself sweating underneath three layers. It was probably 50, but it felt more like 80 with all our ridiculous clothing.

Only a day before, though, I was hugging myself and urging her along, “come on Gracie go pee-pee, go pee-pee!” I stood shivering in my sweatshirt and felt guilty about my poor pibble; she was in nothing but her birthday suit. The sun was shinning bright that day… uselessly, I might add.

All that meteorological confusion is gone now. No more of your trickery, Sun. I don’t have to look out the window to guess how it’ll feel. It’s effin freezing out… probably from now on.

I saved this leaf for last, with the hope that all that fiery red might fool you into feeling warm the way the sun always seems to fool me.

What are these numbered posts all about? Read the introduction to my Photo & 100 Words project and find out!

Gracie Lou AKA Moo being extra cute in the monkey suit her Aunt Jen bought her.

Gracie Lou AKA Moo being extra cute in the monkey sweater her Aunt Jen bought her.


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