I barely had my toe in the door before Luna attacked me with puppy hugs and kisses. If she could talk, I’m sure she’d have been saying, “Ohmygod, ohmygod, YOU’RE HERE! I don’t really know you, but YOU’RE FINALLY HERE!”

Luna Strikes the pose, indoors and out!
This is why I love dogs. It’s the unfiltered joy they show, and their ability to fully love a complete stranger just because they’re there. It’s a contagious kind of happiness that makes it impossible not to smile.

Luna running with her newly captured squeaky as her proud Mom looks on.
After our long hello, we headed out to play in the fresh snow. Luna Romped around, chasing her new squeaky toy, and catching the snowballs I threw into the air. Then we headed indoors for a few studio style shots.

Luna, I think this is when she started tuckering out.
Her energy may have seemed endless, but she was quick to tire out. In fact, here’s some photo proof from her Mom, taken about an hour after I left.

A snapshot 1 hour after our photo session, courtesy of Mom, this is one pooped pup!
I thought you’d like that! Hey dog modeling is not easy… the sitting, the staying, the excitement, and with all those extra treats it’s like doggie Thanksgiving; the food coma is inevitable.
As a side note, Luna’s Mom has the funniest potty-training device I’ve ever seen. It’s actually a toy meant to train human babies to learn the alphabet, but it works well for Luna too, and will most likely send any visitors into a giggle fit.
You may have heard of hanging bells on your doorknob to show your dog how to make some noise when they need to go out, well this is a new take on that. The electronic toy hangs on the door, pre-loaded with the “P” block, and when Luna nose-pokes the block the toy says “Pee, Pee!”
I think I might have to head on over to Toys R Us… I’ll catch you all later!