Letting my Clown Flag Fly – Artsy Reflections 102
“No, I don’t wanna be a clown!” I cried as I ran away from my father to hide, and pout, and resist the red, yellow, and blue garment he was dangling in front of me.
I was 7 and I had just spent the past few minutes being awed by my older cousin in her princess costume. In the brief time I was aware I’d arrived at a costume party, I’d also arrived at false expectations of…
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A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams – Artsy Reflections 101
“I want to be an actress!” I said when I was 12 or 13.
“So you want to be a waitress?” My mom replied, laughed, and explained my future as she saw it, should I pursue such a career.
“I want to be a novelist!” I said when I was 22 or 23.
“Hmph! Don’t we all.” My journalism professor stated with a dissapproving look…
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Reflections – Behind the Scenes – Part 2
Go behind the scenes and see my set AND get all the nerdy details about exactly how I created a bunch of abstract sunrise photos… Read more…
Eye See – Artsy Reflections 100
I stared at this photo, and I wanted this story to be as deep as the center of the earth is, because surely that’s how far someone could have dug in the length of time I spent staring… Read more…
Adoptable Cats & Dogs in Saugerties New York
I was invited to join my friend Lisa, from Printz Photography, for a shelter pet photo session at Saugerties Animal Shelter last week. It’s always so much more fun to… Read more…
The Kidnapper Truck – Artsy Reflections 99
The truck was rolling backwards with my sister and me inside, but no one was at the wheel. We were just about to leave, but mom had forgotten something. She hopped out of the old Dodge Ram to dash back to the house, but when she slammed the door closed, the gray beast was shaken out of park and… Read more…
Road Maps in Reverse – Artsy Reflections 98
“Where are you going? You were supposed to make that turn!” Nick said.
“Well I didn’t know, why didn’t you tell me?” I shot back as I slowed down to make a U-turn.
“Really? How many times…” Read more…
The Zombie Robot Apocalypse – Artsy Reflections 97
You know that ditz you see in your home town? The one who’s using “walk mode” on her GPS to get 50 feet from where she parked her car. Well that’s me… only I mute the volume and try to pretend I’m texting.
But sometimes, even my GPS can’t save me. Read more…
No Sense of Direction – Artsy Reflections 96
Nick is my navigator, but sometimes he puts too much faith in me as the driver. Like when we’re going anywhere other than Read more…
Find Your Gold – Artsy Reflections 95
Finish the sentence: I suck at ______. What’s the 1st thing that comes to your mind?
Do you wish you didn’t suck at that thing? Have you ever tried to not suck at it? Can you attribute your suckiness to something someone told you?
For me, the things I’m so quick to dismiss as things I can’t do are often… Read more…